Friday, April 15, 2011

What a nice day with 5S4

Yes ! We took photos for the school magazine today. It was pretty fun and of course Im the main photographer. :)
Sometimes I hate a being photographer, because I cant join them to take those beautiful photos. Geram betul !


Chow Pooi Yan. I like this because I look slim in this photo. hehe


In the Science lab.


We're VIP ! Big Bang is the best. :)


Chie Kheng is so cute ! love you


And this is my classs , 5S4.

Seriously, I dont really like this class because it's like we have a lots of gang which seems like not unite enough. But actually our class it's different by what you see. We're unite when we have the same target. We may work hard together to get something we want. We help each other when we face some difficulty.

Well, I should have change my opinion by now and create more memories with my lovely classmates. Time flies really fast, we will be leaving each other within 8 months later.

Time is like the wind, it lifts the light and leaves the heavy.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

grandma's big day


Happy Birthday, grandma !
It was my grandma's birthday yesterday, we had dinner in sen li how fok.
Quite a numbers of relatives came to my house and stayed overnight, they came from Singapore and Johor.
My house was so so so crowded, it was like pasar malam.



Stay healthy granda and grandma. :)


My little cousin, he's so cute but he's naughty !


I love my hair. :)


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Stress stress, go awayyyyy !

well, im here to release my stress.
Im so stressful recently, everything was like shitttt.
I want to quit the editorial board but failed. I get so easily convinced by the teacher and it makes me feel like.. aiyo still have few months, just finish it and nothing dy.

Sometimes I hate myself I can cry so easily, like how I did today.
The teacher just told me something about the editor and said it's such a waste if I quit in the half way... and I can feel my eyes full of tears. gosshhhh, luckily I didn't cry in front of so many teacher.
And during my add maths tution, I nearly solve the quition but accidentally wrote the wrong thing and scolded by teacher. I was like... shit. againnn.. arghhhh. feel so stressful.

The other thing that is driving me crazy is Cadet. well, I dont have to say more. I just feel like ignore everything and leave it. It's dissapointing me. There's nothing makes me happy this year seriously, no more NO MORE ! Well, I just want to solve every problem and tell you guys about the problems. But I think not everyone like me being so opstimistic. Honestly, I really think that if you guys are disagreeing my way I hope you will tell me my wrongs and not criticizing me.


Saturday, April 02, 2011



It's April ! Still have 8 months to go..
I havent do my revision yet ! :(

Well, quite busy recently. The competition of Netball just end and next is KRS Daerah competition. Im worry seriously. Im afraid that we cant get into top 3.

Im gaining loadddddssssss of weight currently. OH MY GODNESSSSS !
Gonna start my diet.

Got to go. Im going back my kampung for Ching Ming.