Our performance were sucessful. =)

17/07/09 - 19/07/09
Sze Cheng,Aliaa,Wei Chee and me went to sergeant camp.
These three days was fun for me. LOL.
First day night,we had Public Speaking.
The second day, woke up at 4.30 cause the malays wanna pray.
Then we sat on the feild and wait for them.
Some cadets taught us slogan,exersice,and sang cadet song.
After that, Orientasi, Marching. Aliaa,Sze Cheng and me got into top 10 in marching. haha.
After marching, we have to catch fish and bakar the fish.
Lucky our fish still taste good.
2.00pm. we learnt ikatan and pertolongan cemas.
5.30pm, Tenaga asas. we must run 2.4km in 16 mins.
But i think i used 20 mins. Not bad wat. Lol.
At night, theory.
After theory we sat on the field untill 2.ooam with nothing to do.
Then the helpers said:''boring tak?''
We:''boring la encik.''
helpers:''cabut 30 rumput sekarang.''
I was like,LOL. Who follow his order is stupid one. Haha.
Third day, woke up at 4.30. We just sleep almost 2 hours.
Then close ceremony.
P34-Wong Hui Ying
P36-Kok Sze Cheng
Cadet AGM.
The new committee:
Pengerusi : Har Lai Yee
Naib Pengerusi : Foo Sook Kei
Setiausaha : Chin Yi Ning
Naib setiausaha : Kow Wei Chee
Bendahari : Tan Hui Teng
Naib bendahari : Tan Boon Im
Jurulatih : 1. Chen See Mei
2. Wong Hui Ying
Ketua Disiplin : Chang Fan Ling
Ketua Aktiviti :1. Kok Sze Cheng
2. Yip Ching Mun
AJK : 1. Looi Hong Goon
2. Ceylen Choo
3. Lee See Min
4. Phuang Xin Wei
Ketua Platun : 1. Mitchell Mah
2. Koo Yean
3. Aliaa
4. Teoh King Men
Wakil Sesi Petang :1. Chai Yee Mun
2. Toong Jia Qian
Aha. Im Jurulatih.
You guys sure die. LOL. kidding.
Im sick. Feel sucks.
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