Thursday, April 07, 2011

Stress stress, go awayyyyy !

well, im here to release my stress.
Im so stressful recently, everything was like shitttt.
I want to quit the editorial board but failed. I get so easily convinced by the teacher and it makes me feel like.. aiyo still have few months, just finish it and nothing dy.

Sometimes I hate myself I can cry so easily, like how I did today.
The teacher just told me something about the editor and said it's such a waste if I quit in the half way... and I can feel my eyes full of tears. gosshhhh, luckily I didn't cry in front of so many teacher.
And during my add maths tution, I nearly solve the quition but accidentally wrote the wrong thing and scolded by teacher. I was like... shit. againnn.. arghhhh. feel so stressful.

The other thing that is driving me crazy is Cadet. well, I dont have to say more. I just feel like ignore everything and leave it. It's dissapointing me. There's nothing makes me happy this year seriously, no more NO MORE ! Well, I just want to solve every problem and tell you guys about the problems. But I think not everyone like me being so opstimistic. Honestly, I really think that if you guys are disagreeing my way I hope you will tell me my wrongs and not criticizing me.


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